
الجمعة، 21 يوليو 2017

Are dating apps the new social networks?


Are dating apps even for love anymore, or are we just messing around on them the same way we do on Snapchat and Instagram? 

The answer is complicated — just like the relationships that often spring from these apps. 

There are still plenty of people out there in search of the perfect match, but the dating app Hater, which matches people based on the things they mutually dislike, has discovered an interesting trend among its users.

Brendan Alper, the app's founder and CEO, told Mashable he'd recently noticed that a lot of them just don’t seem to care where their potential matches are located — because they have no intention of ever meeting them IRL.  Read more...

More about Friendship, Friendship App, Tinder, Dating Apps, and Social Media

Source Social Media http://ift.tt/2uQQhnB

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