
السبت، 25 مارس 2017

13 feminists who play the Twitter game to win


While Twitter can be a platform for dialogue and community, it has gained a reputation for being a space where misogynistic trolls roam free — tweeting their hatred at will. 

In a time where feminist discourse has never been greater or more important, Twitter has become a new battleground to be won.

Here are thirteen women whose Twitter game is on point:

1. Caitlin Moran

Caitlin Moran, journalist and feminist author, is known for her frank feminism. She isn't afraid to go there. Periods, body hair, sex. No stone is left unturned in Moran's quest for equality. Read more...

More about Mhairi Black, Sarah Millican, Sofie Hagen, Shappi Khorsandi, and Hannah Witton

Source Social Media http://ift.tt/2nSRnM7

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