
الجمعة، 2 يونيو 2017

It’s ‘We Love the Writer’ Week on Copyblogger

It's 'We Love the Writer' Week on Copyblogger

Actually every week is “We love the writer” week on Copyblogger. :) But this one is special, because we’re about to open up the Certified Content Marketer program to a new group of students.

This is a program that turns talented writers into well-paid talented writers. The key pieces are a content marketing strategy course (Brian Clark and I teach that one together), ongoing education to make sure you stay on top of best practices, and — for those who pass the application process — inclusion on our page of recommended writers and content strategists.

If you’re a writer and you’d like more clients, better rates, and a stronger competitive position, the Certification program just might be perfect for you. You can drop your email address here and we’ll get you all the details very shortly.

On Tuesday, Jerod Morris talked about why smart writers think about writing copy and not just text. (This applies even for those who don’t think of themselves as copywriters.)

On Wednesday, Stefanie Flaxman continued the conversation with the factors that helped her during her own six-year freelance career as she moved from earnest but broke to confident and successful (and still earnest).

And on Thursday, I revealed the two most important reasons why really good writers don’t get paid what they’re worth — and how to start addressing both of them.

Over on the Copyblogger FM podcast, I talked about a problem I see a lot in freelancers, but also in all kinds of smart people who want to start businesses: the fear of selling. I talk about what selling actually is (instead of the creepy myths) and how we can put together a sales process that doesn’t make us feel gross.

That’s it for this week — have a great weekend, and we’ll see you Monday. :)

— Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital

Catch up on this week’s content

learn how to write words that work and teach people what they need to know to do business with youYour Content Marketing Won’t Work Without This

by Jerod Morris

this skill enables your professional life as a well-paid writerThe Career-Expanding Discovery Many Profitable Writers Have Made

by Stefanie Flaxman

it’s a particularly good time to join our list of recommended writersWriters: Here’s Why You Aren’t Getting More Great Clients

by Sonia Simone

Getting Over the Fear of SellingGetting Over the Fear of Selling

by Sonia Simone

How Award-Winning Author & Educator K.M. Weiland Writes: Part OneHow Award-Winning Author & Educator K.M. Weiland Writes: Part One

by Kelton Reid

Emerging Online Marketing Trends for 2017Emerging Online Marketing Trends for 2017

by Sean Jackson & Jessica Frick

The post It’s ‘We Love the Writer’ Week on Copyblogger appeared first on Copyblogger.

Source Copyblogger http://ift.tt/2swKKgT

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