Every marketer dreams of having an opportunity to work for a company that’s rapidly expanding. When that opportunity arises, there’s a lot to learn and plenty of unexpected tasks to plan for and processes to establish. This week at #SproutChat, we were joined by Adam Palmer, Director of Digital at RumChata. During our chat, Adam talked about his marketing experience and offered our community advice on scaling a social media marketing strategy and expanding into international markets.
Prepare for Expansion With Extensive Planning
Take advantage of the time you have before launching in a new market to plan accordingly. Work with your team to extensively research the industry and establish a set of goals that you can benchmark against.
@SproutSocial A1 Important to have your ducks in a row (processes, strategy) so growth doesn't = chaos! #SproutChat http://pic.twitter.com/Vi3xe2KcYB
— DoubleShot Creative (@DoubleShotTeam) June 29, 2016
A1: You have to prepare your team by going back to the basics. Study your analytics, and remember customers first. https://t.co/rdJG7J4SQ4
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A1 cont: Negative feedback will happen and it's important to speak with your legal team on how to handle these. https://t.co/rdJG7J4SQ4
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A1 Best way is to always keep the team informed. Let them know what's happening & when so they're prepared for an increased pace #SproutChat
— Jade Phillips (@lifeofaworkgirl) June 29, 2016
A1 growth = a good problem keep focus on the goals with clear roles and accountability #SproutChat
— David Pepper (@thedavepepper) June 29, 2016
A1: #SproutChat– define the goals as your company grows. Establish an open channel of multi communication.
— Anik G. (@complexkickz) June 29, 2016
Understand How Your Product Is Perceived
The first step for scaling a marketing strategy and expanding internationally is understanding that country’s marketplace and consumer. Take the time to talk to potential customers, listen and apply their feedback into your marketing mix. Hire new team members with an understanding of the area in which you’re looking to expand into and identify existing employees who would be valuable assets in this new space.
A2: The first step is to get the product in the hands of someone In Country for their feedback. #SproutChat https://t.co/K8DNK7FY5S
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A2: You need to ask "How do YOU view our product?" They might focus on a different aspect of it. #SproutChat https://t.co/K8DNK7FY5S
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A2: Another first step: hiring freelancers In Country. This way we make sure that our communications are translatable. #SproutChat
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A2: Demographic research #sproutchat
— ThinkTank (@Think_Tank_Mktg) June 29, 2016
A2 Preparation for langue barriers #SproutChat
— Caitlin Waters (@Cait_Waters) June 29, 2016
A2: Familiarize yourself with the areas you will be marketing to. Understand the culture and offer accurate lang translations. #SproutChat
— Rebecca Albert (@BeccaAtSocial) June 29, 2016
A2: Do research of your audience and establish your company's voice/tone #SproutChat
— Rachel Sprouse (@SprouseRachel) June 29, 2016
Gain Relevancy by Building Community
The same advocacy initiatives that are applied in your current marketplace should be applied to in your new market. Find customers who are advocating for your brand, genuinely connect with these individuals and start building an engaged community.
@SproutSocial start with RESEARCHING. Understand the market, demographics, what they're interested in, influencers in that space #SproutChat
— Dan Price (@hellodanprice) June 29, 2016
A4: Test & Listen. Think of it like starting over in your home market but with more resources. https://t.co/HgroQC1TN4
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A4: This goes back to Q1 and getting your product in the hands of those in the market. Listen and utlize them. #SproutChat
— Adam Palmer (@TheAdamPalmer) June 29, 2016
A4: The same way you would anywhere-human connection. Personalize your brand, make yourself available #SproutChat https://t.co/DM7bJXNtb4
— Grace Mclaughlin (@grace_mclau) June 29, 2016
A4: You have to put yourself out there. Start engaging with your audience and provide value to them. Give them what they need. #SproutChat
— Express Writers (@ExpWriters) June 29, 2016
A4: It will take time but contributing to existing systems in the new environment is the way to start. #SproutChat https://t.co/X58lihrZQN
— AK Kerani (@AKKerani) June 29, 2016
Join us next Wednesday, July 7 at 2 p.m. CDT on Twitter for #SproutChat to discuss personal branding with Jeremy Goldman, author of Going Social, and Ali B. Zagat, Content Consultant and Copywriter. To stay abreast of weekly topics and discussion questions, joining our Facebook community.
This post #SproutChat Recap: How to Scale Marketing With a Growing Company originally appeared on Sprout Social.
Source Sprout Social http://ift.tt/299gyzv
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