Last week we ran a contest on Twitter and Facebook in order to giveaway a bunch of free tickets to our new search event Connect, taking place in Miami next week on 4-5 February.
Connect will bring together all the best and brightest of the search marketing industry to discuss how to thrive in the new customer-centric landscape, as well as have a big party on the beach.
Will you be lucky enough to join 500+ SEO specialists, digital marketers, webmasters, developers, business leaders and industry professionals for two days of sun, sea and search in Miami?
Let’s find out…
Between Tuesday and Friday last week we asked you to fill in the blank for a number of search-related statements. Below are the winning recipents of one free ticket to Connect and their replies…
Jason Bauman:
the biggest SEO trend in 2016 will be the shift from broad keyword based landing pages to personalized content. @sewatch #connectSEW
— Jason Bauman (@JasonB_TI) January 19, 2016
Amanda Dodge:
@sewatch make their “Real Time” analytics more customizable to national/local companies.
— Amanda Dodge (@amandaedodge) January 20, 2016
Matt Certo:
.@sewatch Solving your customers’ problems through innovative content creation represents the future of organic search.
— Matt Certo (@mcerto) January 21, 2016
Anna Nerezova:
@sewatch the future of search marketing success will be dependant on eliminating HIPPOs #connectsew
— Anna Nerezova (@blv) January 23, 2016
Megan Beatty:
@sewatch Allow bid adjustments in AdWords for Search Partners and tablets!
— Megan Beatty (@megbeatz) January 20, 2016
Stuart Lieberman:
@sewatch Content Strategy represents the future of organic search
— Stuart Lieberman (@thewebguyfl) January 21, 2016
And over on Facebook we had the following winning replies…
Biggest SEO trend of 2016 will be ______
David Josephson: “Conversational search from mobile devices.”
If Google could do one thing to make my life easier it would be ______
Scott Cramer: “PROVIDE the (not provided) data on all reports.”
The key to a successful search optimised site is ______
Sarah Triplett: “UX! Google is continually focusing on delivering a better user experience through search via organic and paid, so it makes sense that this same experience should flow on to a website once a user clicks through.”
The future of search marketing success will be dependent on ______
Carmen Norgaard: “Adaptability to change, since change is the most predictable constant in SEO.”
Congratulations to all of our winners, we’ll be seeing you in Miami next week!
If you weren’t chosen as one of our winners, then fear not. You can still attend! Just register for a ticket here.
Source Search Engine Watch
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